Grammar mistakes with Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove

Knowing which conjunction to use is the difference between getting your house burned to the ground... or not!

Good copywriting is about being clear and succinct so that the reader knows exactly what you're saying, and what the call to action is.
In The Emperor's New Groove, Yzma and her assistant Kronk get trapped in a cupboard. In rage, she yells, 'Tell us where the talking llama is, and we'll burn your house to the ground!'
To which Kronk replies, 'Uh, don't you mean 'or'?'
Then the child pipes up, 'Well, which is it? That seems like a pretty crucial conjunction.' Which is true. Conjunctions are only small words, but they make a huge difference to what you're trying to say. And in the context of getting your house burned to the ground, I'd agree, it's pretty crucial.
So, the options are:
'Tell us where the talking llama is, and we'll burn your house to the ground!' = if you tell us where the llama is, we'll burn your house to the ground.
'Tell us where the talking llama is, or we'll burn your house to the ground!' = if you do not tell us where the llama is, we'll burn your house to the ground.
Make sure you're using the right conjunctions to get your point across correctly so you don't make the same mistake as Yzma.
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